NatureForex Demo Competition takes place in the virtual environment where no monetary risk involves the participant of the contest. Sharpen your trading skill and win real trading money prizes.
Demo Trading Competition
Joining Link: Virtual-Contest
Contest’s Time:
- Start: June 19, 2017
- End: July 14, 2017
- Duration: 25 days
- Registration Period: Registration Open until the end of the contest.
Offer is Applicable: All clients
How to Apply:
- Open a NatureForex account, If you don’t have one already
- Register for the contest with same details
- Like their Facebook page
- Send an email with your name and account number
To win: Achieve the highest profits.
Prize Cash Out:
- Need to trade 5 Lots
- 1st place – $100 USD
Terms and Conditions – NatureForex Demo Competition
General terms and conditions apply.